Speech by Chief Immanuel /Gaseb
Speech in English by Deputy Chairman of the Council of Traditional Leaders, Republic of Namibia. He was a member of the delegation that visited University of Freiburg on 4th of March 2014 out of a sad reason: Esther Mwoombola-/Goagoses, head of the National Museum of Namibia and Chairperson of the National Heritage Council of Namibia signed the document of handing over of 14 skulls of men, women and children who fell in colonial war between 1904 – 08 or who were victims of the massacers of German ‚Schutztruppen‘ in ‚Deutsch-Südwest-Africa‘.
Radiobeitrag in englisch | Radio Dreyeckland | Sendedatum: Mittwoch, 2. April 2014 – 18:19 | Zum Radiobeitrag hier …