Handing over of genocide petition in USA and Germany
Handing over in Washington – Note from Jephta Nguherimo
On March 27, 2015 about 20-25 members of the Ovaherero diaspora marched to the German embassy in Washington DC. Prior emails addressing the German ambassador to inform him about the handover of the petition has never acknowledged. Only when writing to Georg Schmidt in Germany, Minister-Counselor Mr. Bohn met the members of the diaspora outside the embassy. Jephta Nguherimo hold a short speech. Then the Paramount Chief Vekuii Rukoro emphasized the importance and impress upon him to inform his government to engage with Ovaherero and Nama. Finally, the Chief handed Mr Bohn the petition. Mr. Bohn promised to relay the message and the petition to the relevant authorities in Berlin. Similar activities happened in Vancouver, British Columbia and the UK.
NGO alliance „No Amnesty on Genocide!“ handed over the Ovahereros’ online petition to the German Foreign Ministry in Berlin on March 27th 2015
On the 27th of March 2015 representatives of the NGO alliance “No Amnesty on Genocide!” handed over the Hereros & Namas‘ Genocide Reparation from Germany Petition initiated by the Herero Diaspora and descendents to Germany’s Foreign Ministry in Berlin. The demand for reparations concerning the genocide committed 1904-08 by Germany was received by Ambassador Georg Schmidt, Regional Director for Sub-Saharan Africa and the Sahel, who was also willing to meet the petitioners. A photographic documentation of the handing over, however, was not agreed to by the Foreign Office.
Related pages:
- “Deutschland muss Herero und Nama für kolonialen Genozid und Landraub entschädigen” | Press statement (only in German) by the NGO alliance “No Amnesty on Genocide!” | 25.03.2015
- The Hereros & Namas’ Genocide Reparation from Germany Petition