17.03.2016 | Abstimmung im Bundestag | Vote in the Bundestag
Pressemitteilungen | Press releases
- Pressemitteilung des Bündnis „Völkermord verjährt nicht!“
- Press release from the NGO alliance „No Amnesty on Genocide!“
- Press release of the OGF
- Press release of Niema Movassat, MP of the LEFT PARTY in the German Bundestag
- Pressemitteilung von Niema Movassat, Die Linke
Bundestagsdebatte | Debate of the German Bundestag
Debate on the issue of reconciliation with Namibia and the LEFT PARTY motion: “Reconciliation with Namibia – remembrance of and apology for the genocide in the former colony of German South-West Africa” (Bundestag Printed Paper 18/5407), 17th March 2016
Zeitungsartikel | Articles
- Staff reporter, Guibeb: What I really told the Germans, New Era, 24/03/2016
- Staff reporter, It’s time to clarify genocide and reparation plans, New Era, 24/03/2016
- Alexander Heinrich, Die Versöhnung steht noch aus, Das Parlament, 21.03.2016
- Ohne Autor, Namibia und die deutsche Kolonialvergangenheit, Deutscher Bundestag, 17.03.2016
- Ndanki Kahiurika, Nam requests German MPs to drop genocide debate, The Namibian, 17/03/2016
- Without author, Ambassador in hot water, NamibianSun, 17/03/2016
- Daniel Pelz: Namibia: Schwierige Vergangenheit, schwierige Gespräche, Deutsche Welle, 16.03.2016
- Daniel Pelz: Coming clean with Germany’s dark past in Namibia, Deutsche Welle, 16/03/2016