
Our Colonial Present: Germany's Herero and Nama Genocide

For decades Namibians, people of Namibian descent and Africans have been fighting for recognition, apology and reparations. The alliance “No Amnesty on Genocide” sees itself as a partner of the activists and wants to support their political struggle in Germany. A compilation of documents of the Namibian, African and Afro-American activists.

Seit Dekaden kämpfen Namibianer*innen, Menschen namibischer Herkunnft und Afrikaner*innen für die Anerkennung, Entschuldigung und Reparationen. Das Bündnis “Völkermord verjährt nicht!” versteht sich als Partner der Aktivist*innen und möchte ihren politischen Kampf in Deutschland unterstützen. Eine Zusammenstellung von Dokumenten der namibischen, afrikanischen und afro-amerikanischen Aktivist*innen.

Media Conference Statement
1 December 2016 | Media Statement by Hon. Ida Hoffmann, Chairperson Nama Genocide Technical Committee: Giving clarity on the recent meting of the Nama Genocide Technical Committee and the OvaHerero Genocide Foundation Delegates with the German Special Envoy Mr. Ruprecht Polenz, and the German Ambassador Christian Schlaga | To the statement here …

The Dichotomy of Historic Responsibility and the Quest for Restorative Justice
25 May 2016 | A presentation by the Forum for the Nama Traditional Authorities Association and the Council of Traditional Leaders on Genocide and Reparations of the various Herero Traditional Authorities for a meeting with German Members pf Parliament, Okahandja, Republic of Namibia | To the presentation here ….

Press Statement by OCD-1904
07 April 2016 | Press Statement by Supreme Acting Chief Kunomundu Gerson Katjirua (Chairman of OCD-1904) on the Briefing Meeting Convened by the Vice President, Dr Nickey Iyambo (Chairman of the Cabinet Political Committee on Genocide, Apology and Reparation) at the Katutura Community Hall, Windhoek Central | To the press statement here …

Press Statement on Reparation for the 1904 – 1908 Genocide comitted by Imperial Germany on the Herero and Nama People / Nations
17 February 2016 | Press Statement delivered by Paramount Chief Adv. Vekuii Rukoro on behalf of the Nama, Ovaherero and Ovambanderu communities and leader | To the press statement here …

OvaHerero and Nama Resistance Order Against German Arrogance and Neo-Imperialist Tendencies Towards the Namibian Government and its People
03 October 2015 | To the order …

Press Release by OCD-1904
16 September 2015 | To the press release here …

Speech of Chief Sam Kambazembi, of Kambazembi Royal Traditional Authority
at opening of the All Believers House of Payers on the 19th of July 2015 at Ombujomumbonde in Otjozondjupa Region | 19 July 2015 | To the speech here …

Interview mit Vekuii Rukoro
Interview aus Anlass des Besuchs von Vekuii Rukoro | Gespräch mit Stephan Karkowsky | Deutschlandradio Kultur| 7.Juli 2015 | Zum Interview hier …

Press Statement from the OTA and the Nama Traditional Authorities Association
17 June 2015 | To the press statement here …

Keynote Speech by Paramount Chief Adv Vekuii Rukoro
at the occasion of his inauguration in Okahandja | 2 May 2015 | To the speech here …

„Wir haben einen Anspruch auf Reparationen“- Interview mit Israel Kaunatjike
Kaunatijke – ein Nachfahre der Herero, der seit 1970 in Berlin lebt – weist darauf hin, dass die UNO bereits 1948 den Völkermord anerkannte. Er erwartet, dass die Bundesregierung nun ähnlich wie bei dem Völkermord an den Armeniern im Osmanischen Reich von einem Genozid an den Herero spreche. | Gespräch mit Dirk-Oliver Heckmann | Deutschlandfunk | 28 April 2015 |Zum Beitrag…

Statement by Paramount Chief Adv Vekuii Rukoro
on the occassion of handing over the Hereros & Namas’ Genocide Reparation from Germany Petition in Washington | 27 March 2015 | To the statement here …

Speech by Jephta Uaravaera Nguherimo
on behalf of the Ovaherero and Nama descendants in the United States on the occassion of handing over the Hereros & Namas’ Genocide Reparation from Germany Petition in Washington | 27 March 2015 | To the speech here …

The Hereros & Namas‘ Reparation from Germany Petition
When the Herero (Ovaherero) people of Namibia revolted against the confiscation of their land and cattle by German colonists, more than 80,000 men, women and children were killed. On October 2, 1904 Lieutenant-General Lothar von Trotha publicly issued a written extermination order, Vernichtungsbefehl … | online petition initiated by the Ovaherero Diaspora and descendants | 19 February – 26 March 2015 | To the post here …

Israel Kaunatjike: „Wie vermitteln Sie zwischen Deutschen und Herero?“
Zwei deutsche Großväter, die Großmütter Herero, eine Kindheit in der Zeit der Apartheid. Wahrscheinlich ist es kein Zufall, dass Israel Kaunatjikes Leben vom politischen Aktivismus bestimmt ist. Im Deutschlandradio Kultur spricht er über Heimat und die Suche nach dem Grab seines Großvaters … | Radiobeitrag mit Israel Kaunatijke auf Deutschlandradio Kultur | 24. Februar 2015 | Zum Beitrag …

Joint Media Statement by the Ovaherero Genocide Committee and the Nama Genocide Technical Committee
Reaction to the rejection by the German Parliament, the Bundestag, of the Motion by the Left Party. | Press statement | 26 May 2014 | To the statement here …

Chief Immanuel /Gaseb
Chief Immanuel /Gaseb is the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Traditional Leaders, Republic of Namibia. He was a member of the delegation that visited University of Freiburg on 4th of March 2014. | Audiofile of the speech by Chief Immanuel /Gaseb | 4 March 2014 | To the post here …

The Second Return of Skulls from Germany – Press statement by Traditional Leaders
We, the undersigned Traditional Leaders of those communities that have specifically been targeted by the Extermination Orders of General Lothar von Trotha, and who have initially requested the return of the remains of our people, have invited you to hear our utmost displeasure, shock and anger at the clandestine and dishonest manner in which the Government of Germany and in collusion with the Government Namibia have handled this second return of the Skulls and Remains of our people …| Press statement by Traditional leaders | 4 March 2014 | To the post here …

Ida Hofmann speaks about apology, compensation and reconciliation
Ida Hofmann is Chairperson of the Nama Genocide Technical Committee. This talk follows Ida Hoffmann’s participation at the 4 th Panafricanism Congress in Munich … | Audiofile of the speech by Ida Hofmann | 30 October 2013 | To the post here …

Hon. Kuaikma Riruako
Speech on the occasion of a meeting with Hon. HeidemarieWieczorek-Zeul in Windhoek | 12 January 2013 | To the speech here …

H.E. Hifikepunye Pohamba
Statement by H.E. Hifikepunye Pohamba, President of the Republic of Namibia, on the occasion of receiving human remains of Namibian origin repatriated from Germany | 05 October 2011 | To the statement here …

Hon. Dr. Kuaima Riruako
Statement by Hon. Dr. Kuaima Riruako, Paramount Chief of the Ovaherero, on the occasion of the handover by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, of the skulls of the OvaHerero and Nama victims of the 1904-8 wars of resistance, for repatriation to the Republic of Namibia | 30 September 2011 | To the statement here …

Chief David Fredericks of the Nama
Address of Chief David Fredericks of the Nama at handover of skulls | 30 September 2011 | To the address here …

Chief Alfons Kaihepovazandu Maharero
Statement by Chief Alfons Kaihepovazandu Maharero, Chairman of the Ovaherero/Ovambanderu Council for Dialogue on the 1904 Genocide (OCD-1904), on the occasion of the official handing–over ceremony of the Namibia skeletal remains that were expatriated to Germany following/during the 1904 genocide in Namibia | 30 September 2011 | To the statement here …

Minister Kazenambo Kazenambo
Statement by Honourable Kazenambo Kazenambo, MP Minister of Youth, National Service, Sport and Culture, on the occassion of the Repatriation to Namibia of human skulls of Namibian origin from the period of German colonial rule | 29 September 2011 | To the statement here …

Rede Minister Kazenambo Kazenambo, MP, Minister für Jugend, Nationale Dienste, Sport und Kultur, anlässlich der Repatriierung menschlicher Schädel namibischen Ursprungs aus der Zeit deutscher Kolonialherrschaft nach Namibia | 29. September 2011 | Zur Rede in deutsch hier

Bishop Dr. Z. Kameeta
Memorial service on the occasion of the repatriation of the human skulls of Namibian origin from the period of German colonial rule in Namibia, Sermon delivered by Bishop Dr. Z. Kameeta in the St. Matthew Church in Berlin | 29 September 2011 | To the sermon here …

H.E. Ambassador Neville Gertze
Welcoming remarks by His Excellency, Ambassador Neville Gertze, during the memorial service on the occasion of the repatriation of human skulls of Namibian origin from the period of German colonial rule to Namibia in the St. Matthew Church in Berlin | 29 September 2011 | To the speech here …

Johanna Kahatjipara im Gespräch mit Matthias Hanselmann
20 Schädel übergibt die Berliner Charité an die Nachfahren der Opfer der deutschen Kolonialherren im ehemaligen Deutsch-Südwestafrika. Johanna Kahatjipara ist Mitglied der Delegation aus Namibia. Im Interview erzählt sie vom Leid ihrer Vorfahren. | Radiobeitrag | Deutschlandfunk | 27. September 2011 | Zum Beitrag…

Esther Utjiua Muinjangue: „100 Jahre Schweigen – Der Genozid an den Herero“
Radiobeitrag mit dem Vortrag von Esther Utjiua Muinjangue (Vorsitzende des Ovaherero Genocide Committee) … | Radiobeitrag | Radio Dreyeckland | Sendedatum: Mittwoch, 30. Juni 2010 – 19:17 | Zum Beitrag hier …